Wednesday 27 November 2013

Theater Show: Adhe Adhure

In Mood to Kill Yourself!  1 / 5

Can I give negative... after all it's my blog.

I watched this play a few months back - and I fail to understand - to which era it belonged. What was Lilette Dubey or her daughter - supposedly new gen was trying to do in it! It's about a middle class family where women are the bread earners and how they need to compromise on their dignity and choices to keep the bread on table...


This is a review I have been trying to write for sometime... but I think I would give it a miss...
Am sure there are people who like it... that would explain why it hasn't gone out of business.
In nutshell... it's a play not for me... I would avoid it by yards!
Due to the treatment of subject, the theme, the acting, dialogue... its not even old world.. it's plain bad and sitting through it a torture.